pagoPA: the State’s subsidiary company for digital payments in Italy is born

The platform for the PA’s digital payments becomes a company: a new asset for the country’s digital and economic development – 09/02/2019

An app for citizens, designed with citizens
Over 1,000 people are already using IO, Italian public services app. What we’re learning and how the project is evolving, thanks to… – 08/08/2019

How much does a payment cost? The reasons why pagoPA helps the State and citizens save money
The platform for digital payments made to the Italian Public Administration guarantees transparency and competition – 07/30/2019

Developers Italia, involving small software houses in the development of open source products
Small companies and startups are all too often excluded by the digital transformation process of public services. We made them protagonists – 07/25/2019

A kit for migrating public services to the cloud
A five-step journey to identifying the advantages, risks and best strategies for migrating the Public Administration’s services to the… – 07/24/2019

How to turn your Municipality into a virtuous digital public administration
From a nationwide registry to electronic payments: 10 things you can do to digitally transform a Municipality – 07/11/2019

The open source revolution in the Italian Public Administration
The new guidelines for the acquisition and reuse of software in the Italian Public Administration have been published – 06/19/2019

The Advantages of the Electronic ID Card, now easier to obtain with the new “CIE Agenda”
Italy’s new Electronic Identity Card is an innovative, secure, state of the art ID. Here’s how to apply for one and avoid waiting – 06/19/2019

A strategy for the Italian Public Administration’s digital infrastructure
“National Strategic Pole” proposed as a security measure for all basic digital services belonging to the Italian Public Administration – 04/05/2019

2019, a turning point for ANPR: Italy moves closer to establishing a national registry
By the end of this year, 45 million Italian citizens are expected to have registered in the national population registry – 03/28/2019

The growth of digital payments in Italy: the numbers of pagoPA
Italian Public Administration’s digital payment platform is growing double-digit. 2019 marks a significant change of pace – 03/06/2019

Project IO, the public service app, in 5 steps
The steps leading to the release of IO, the public service application, in stores – 03/04/2019

A model website for Italian Municipalities
A prototype website for Italian Municipalities based on some of the best local experiences – 02/11/2019

Data & Analytics Framework (DAF) and open data: where we’re at
The state of the art of open data in Italy, moving towards a “National Digital Data Platform” – 03/12/2019

Italy in the eGovernment Benchmark 2018: a problem of digital maturity of services or country?
Methodology, measurement objectives, evaluate the results, without neglecting to take into account the structural characteristics of… – 12/06/2018

Commissioner in the mirror
The midfielder role (Ligabue’s “Lele Oriali”) must always be your first inspiration – 11/21/2018

Docs Italia, simpler documents for a simpler Public Administration
A single platform for all administrations: changing language and communication within the bureaucracy – 03/12/2019

Innovation in Government services: a framework of principles for technology procurement
An agreement with technology suppliers for a more modern and effective Public Administration – 03/12/2019

A 2022 story and the road to making it happen: Anna and the project IO
IO is born. The experimental phase has started: in few years the application will allow citizens to manage their interaction with PA – 03/12/2019

Open Software and Public Administration: online the Guidelines for software acquisition and reuse
When it comes to open source, Italian laws are among the most advanced in Europe. We work to make them work – 03/12/2019
Towards a new generation of public services: Designers Italia’s design kits
Designers Italia presents the new kits to help design modern, simple digital services without having to reinvent the wheel every time – 03/12/2019

Docs Italia, the start of a revolution. Making public projects more effective and transparent
Open government: the new version of Docs Italia to change the language of Public Administration projects – 04/18/2018

The Unified National Population Registry Moves Forward
How we managed to revive a project considered (by most) to be hopeless – 03/12/2019