Raffaele Lillo
Chief Data Officer

Professionally, I would define myself a “Business Scientist”, with expertise in machine learning and predictive analytics, and interested in their applications in the context of business and management.
Lately, I’ve been working in the US and I proudly accepted to relocate back to Rome to work as Chief Data Officer for the Italian Digital Transformation Team.
My meeting with the Digital Transformation Team was random and unexpected (serendipity, as they say overseas), made possible thanks to common professional contacts. It took me a few minutes of conversation with Diego to get excited about the idea of building an innovative and agile start-up within the complex machine of Italian public administration.
I’ve always been passionate about coding and problem solving, I studied between Rome, London, Milan, and Chicago: BA and MSc in Economics and Finance at Luiss Guido Carli University, then a MSc in Econometrics and Mathematical Economics at London School of Economics, finally an MBA at SDA Bocconi with a semester at Northwestern University.
Before joining the Italian Digital Transformation Team, I was Director of Advanced Analytics for the Interactive division of IGT (parent company of Lottomatica), where I worked since 2007. In IGT I started up and led the data scientist team (Interactive Division) and the quants team (Sports betting division). In short, I’ve been focused on utilizing data mining and machine learning techniques to build “intelligent” applications.
Outside of the office I’m: Laura’s husband, a fencer, a keen crime books reader, and a “very amateur” guitarist.
Start Date: October 24, 2016
End Date: October 30, 2018
Period Provided: until September 16, 2018
Annual Compensation: € 120,000
Approved by the Court of Auditors: November 29, 2016