Simone Piunno
Chief Technology Officer - Technology & Architecture

My passion for computers began when I was a kid and I wrote my program on a Commodore VIC20 when I was a toddler. In the late 80s, before commercial Internet, I had already discovered the power of the network thanks to Fidonet BBSs that I used to exchange electronic messages with faraway friends, upsetting my parents with the sync noise of by 1200bps modem and more importantly with the high cost of telephone bills.
Together with friends from Ferrara in 1996 I founded a Linux User Group and I was active for years in the national open source scene, organizing public events and contributing to the development of the free software community.
I started my professional career as a software developer first in a small local Internet service provider and then, after graduating in electronic engineering with a master thesis on Mobile Internet, in 2000 I joined Wireless Solutions, a small startup in Bologna that later was acquired by Dada. At the time the word “startup” was not fashionable yet.
In a few years I designed and led the development of web and mobile platforms (among others an SMS gateway, a multimedia content management system, a platform for payments through mobile phone bills) and integrated all this with 50+ mobile operators worldwide, progressively moving to more managerial roles until I began CTO for the Mobile business unit in Dada.
In 2010 I joined Buongiorno (today Docomo Digital) as technology director for B2C business unit and there I led an international team of engineers located in Italy, Spain and France, among other things leading the development of an online advertising and analytics platform. In this role I introduced agile processes that greatly improved time to market of new products and increased team efficiency..
I am a curious guy and I am always investigating innovative technological trends. Currently I very involved in the Big Data and Machine Learning area and with some friends in Tuscany I recently created a community of people passionate about these topics, organized a public event, collaborated with the university for a master course.
When I don’t work, with my wife Francesca we take care of our 6 months daughter Isabella and sometimes I enjoy singing with a gospel choir.
I am one of those who never left because I was so lucky to find in Italy exciting international workplaces, with advanced projects and (most importantly) brilliant people who also became dear friends. Indeed it’s thanks to them that I got in touch with Diego. I hoped for years that a digital strategy eventually became a national priority and when Diego asked me to join the team I was excited to accept this challenge.
Start Date: November 14, 2016
Period Provided: until December 31, 2019
Annual Compensation: The expert does not receive any compensation for the carrying out of his task in the Team
Approved by the Court of Auditors: The act of appointment is being registered at the Court of Auditors