Matteo de Santi
Chief Product & Design Officer

When I was in high school I began experimenting with the mythical Amiga, the IT expressive potential, trying at the same time to make what I was designing actually work, doing my best to have it interactive.
I graduated in 2002 in Public Communication, with an experimental thesis proposing a new way of making online social advertising, combining enhanced customer profiling, interactive seriality and, for that time, an addictive visual experience.
Since then I have collaborated as designer, front-end developer and slash developer, with many national agencies, public and private, designing the look and the customer experience for many videogames, multimedia cd-roms, E-learning platforms, digital literature works, digital asset management systems, digital corporate identities and more. Sometimes I personally directed the teams in charge: at others I was just a consultant.
I was adjunct professor at Padua University and other institutions and I think that few things enrich you as much as interacting “peer to peer” with young students. This is why I still love managing courses. At Padua University I also had the opportunity to be part of the foundation of Centro Multimediale and E-Learning, an internal startup involving many college institutes and departments and devoted to digital communication and innovation. These years were intoxicating and exhausting, when I experienced first hand the opportunities and frictions involved in working for and with the Public Administration.
Delegated by my city’s main institutions, I worked on projecting and launching the smart city digital hub. This type of platform empowered citizens, groups and entrepreneurs with the capability of meeting, promoting new projects and giving back results within an open participation model. An infographic, animated and non, was part of the project: an atlas showing the realities of the territory. Since then, data- visualization is an instrument I love to use any time I need to synthesize and show the information potential of complex data.
I was intrigued by an experience with a “pure” startup. I participated in the founding, concept and creation of the first two releases of Triboom, a social platform empowering sport groups, associations and commercial subjects to support their own activities through crowdfunding.
Since 2016 I have been in charge of user experience and interface design for Infocamere, the national company creating and maintaining all digital services for the Camere di Commercio (Chamber of Commerce), including the Italian Enterprises Register.
In all of my professional experiences something was always present: I always had the customer’s point of view as a beacon. It was natural, almost a vocation. But if we call people customers, if we focus on products and not on the needs satisfied by these products, we will probably find ourselves on the wrong path.
It’s due to this sensibility that my candidacy to the team was born.
I believe that digital technology, like any human instrument, is a wonderful opportunity to evolve. But to me innovation is just a means to get to a higher purpose: to enhance, at least just a little, our quality of life and our way of being together, being “citizens”. I believe this is our duty and this is why I will gladly put all my experience on the table, along with my enthusiasm and every single spark of energy I will be able to find in the coming months,
As a way to survive in this word of codes and vectors I dedicate any time I can to my third great love, photography. On the road, telling every day stories. As a photographer I reported for some national and local news organizations, taking pictures during the day and developing film every night. Now I don’t have as much time, but the camera is always with me. Acting gives me my other big “escape from reality”. With some friends I founded an amateur theater company and for 20 years this has given me the opportunity to take the stage all over Italy assuming the role of someone else. Learning how to pretend on stage taught me that pretending in real life is a stupid waste of time: simultaneously, taking ourselves too seriously makes everything so desperately boring.
Start Date: February 17, 2017
End Date: November, 4 2019
Period Provided: until December 31, 2019
Annual Compensation: € 95,000
Approved by the Court of Auditors: The act of appointment is being registered at the Court of Auditors