Gianluca Di Tommaso
Communication and social media

I was a little over ten years old when I started probing every button I found, driven by a strong curiosity that is still part of me today. I wanted to experience all the functions available in a software with a blank sheet and a flashing cursor. And I still distinctly remember that strange buzz and those beeps of the 56kbit/s analog modem that allowed me to connect to something called “Internet” for the first time. It didn’t take me long to get excited about that thing and to understand that it could be a diversion, but also a further, inexhaustible source for my curiosity. It was the second half of the 90s and a teenager ran much fewer risks than today to play around undisturbed online.
It was a family habit to have them at home every day, so I became a great newspapers’ reader. Thanks to a history and philosophy high school teacher and to her precious lessons, which I still preserve today, I learnt to handle the information sources and to understand the different points of view of a single story.
I left my hometown Pescara, I graduated in Political Science at the University of Milan. At the end of this bachelor’s degree, I chose to continue in the same faculty but in a master’s degree in Political and Public Communication, thanks also to some important formative experiences.
I have always been fascinated by the complexity of the mechanisms behind political communication. In fact, I continued to follow its evolution even at academic level.
The first important work experience was managing the reputation of the American Chamber of Commerce in Italy for four years. I also managed the communication and the staff of a Member of the Italian Parliament for about two years. Then in 2014 I started working as a communication consultant for various companies and organizations. In particular, I managed the public relations of some important Italian and international players in the technological and digital industry.
In the second half of 2016 I met Diego Piacentini who was beginning his assignment as Government Commissioner for the Digital Agenda. I knew well Diego’s international professional experience, but his choice of give back and his vision of digital transformation of our country convinced me to undertake this incredible experience. I started to collaborate with Diego and the Digital Team by setting the online and social media communication strategy. We immediately used a new language with which to relate to the different publics for Team projects, from Public Administrations to citizens.
When Diego Piacentini ended his assignment, his successor Luca Attias asked me to continue the work, and I was happy to be able to guarantee continuity to the communication activities of the Team.
In another piece of life, at the end of 2013, I founded the #NightReview: a collection of the best longreads from Italian and international media gathered in a newsletter every Friday night. In 2017 this project, born completely online and on social media (basically the digital place where I spend most of my time), has become a company and also an independent publishing house of nonfiction books, NR edizioni.
Start Date: November 19, 2018
Period Provided: until December 31, 2019
Annual Compensation: € 63.000
Approved by the Court of Auditors: The act of appointment is being registered at the Court of Auditors