Laura Bordin
Service & UX/UI Design

A pursuit of creativity and communication. This is how I’d describe my life from the beginning. Since when I was a kid, I have studied music, dance and performing arts. Until I chose my ultimate direction: design.
Graduated in Visual and Performing Arts, I decided to continue my studies in Visual and Multimedia Communication at the IUAV University of Venice, where I met my mentors Gillian Crampton Smith and Philip Tabor. With them, I specialized in Interaction and Service Design and when my thesis project won the international competition Adobe Design Achievement Awards in 2010, I felt I was on the right track.
My eclectic background in communication, visual and interaction design, together with my passion for in-field research, have allowed me to design multi-channel products and services that result in a relevant and meaningful experience in the life of those who use them.
In 2010, I started my career as an Interaction Designer in Frog, an American design, strategy and consultancy firm, where I worked in the most diverse sectors: financial services, telecommunications, health and media, for companies such as RCS, Sky, Condè Nast, Roche, Poste Italiane, and many others.
Since 2013 I have the good fortune and the responsibility to train designers of the future, a challenge that has given me the opportunity to collaborate with the best design (and not only) universities such as the Polytechnic of Milan, Digital Accademia in Venice, the Bocconi University in Milan, and SUPSI in Switzerland.
Today I’m Associate Creative Director in Frog, where I coordinate and lead a team of designers, manage relationships with customers and carry on the corporate culture. My current position has allowed me to help the companies I work for, not only to launch new successful services on the market, but also to self-transform themselves, to learn how to use a new way of working within organizations that puts human at the center.
I participate as a speaker at numerous design conferences, in particular, on the topic of digital transformation and how the work of the designer is constantly evolving.
My interest in the Digital Transformation Team came for the community of intent that binds us: I think it is indeed a unique opportunity, and a real possibility to accelerate the digitalization of the country, working with incredible professionals who come from very different realities compared to mine. As a professional in the industry, I feel it as a mission, a great challenge and a great responsibility.
My goal for 2018 is to tackle as much as possible, and in any way possible. At the end of this adventure, I will return full time to Frog, my old family, whom I thank for giving me the opportunity to be here now.
I dedicate my free time to traveling, going to the theater, reading and of course to the wonderful people of my life.
Special thanks go to my husband, Yari, and my cat, Vincent Van Gogh, who endure my constant business trips, and my wonderful family. Thank you all for teaching me to always give my best. Without you and your support I would not be where I am today.
Start Date: November 29, 2017
End Date: October 30, 2018
Period Provided: until September 16, 2018
Annual Compensation: € 75,000
Approved by the Court of Auditors: January 30, 2018