Marco Cipri
Technical Project Manager

I was born in Rome. I spent my childhood and adolescence setting my watch to the bang of the Gianicolo cannon and consuming the soles of my shoes walking on the cobblestones of Trastevere. Like many young people, in those years I was fascinated by those mysterious boxes: “home computers”. PCs brought magic into our bedrooms, turning them into joysticks cemeteries and tape cassette warehouses … the media data storage of those days.
Cult sagas like Star Wars and Star Trek amazed me, showing that there is always a five-year mission (but there are also three-year plans!) to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations (architectures and technologies), to boldly go where no man (and Italian) has gone before.
The curiosity to understand how computers work led me to attend the Computer Engineering course at the University of ‘La Sapienza’ in Rome, where I got my degree. My career in Computer Science began with my first job experience in the internet provider sector, where I met with a lot of passion and dedication. During this time, I became familiar with the world of open source and discovered its potential.
At a later stage, I started working at Telecom where I brought my contributions to different services (to name one… who does remember the Wap?), which now are outdated by new technologies.
Over the years I have worked in some Italian startups. GiocoDigitale was the last and the most engaging one: there I had the opportunity to follow the company growth, its consolidation on the market, up to its acquisition by a worldwide enterprise (Bwin). During this experience, I covered different roles and learned to face some issues about regulated markets in Italy.
Rumours about the Digital Team and its mission came to me in several ways: blogs, podcasts and newspapers… how could I resist? When I heard that the Digital Team was looking for new crew, I wouldn’t hesitate and then, suddenly, I’m here, pushing at warp speed the country where my daughter was born and is now growing.
This my new journey wouldn’t have been possible without the support and patience of my wife. I also have to thank Bwin, which shares my enthusiasm for this project, and granted me a period of leave, allowing me to take part in such an exciting adventure in the best way.
Start Date: March 15, 2019
End Date: September 15, 2019
Period Provided: until September 15, 2019
Annual Compensation: € 75.000
Approved by the Court of Auditors: 8th april 2019