Riccardo Iaconelli
Open Source Project Leader

I graduated in Physics at the University of Milan-Bicocca and I have developed open source software for more than half of my life. I have participated in many development communities, national and international, where I have developed what I consider to be my best skills today. Why do I do this job? I believe that open practices (open source, open data, open education, …) are the best way to deal with the future: good ideas arise in the most unexpected places, intelligent management creates open mechanisms to enhance the contribution of all. Only an open and transparent process can be the forerunner of new knowledge and innovation.
In my life, I was fortunate enough to work at CERN, where some of the brightest scientific minds of our time collaborate for the advancement of science, and I held seminars at many prestigious universities. I founded WikiToLearn, where, after a first start-up phase, I handed over the management to a beautiful community that is now self-sustaining. I’ve been giving my free time to KDE for a number of years, a world-wide project that creates top-notch technology and software. I have co-founded a start-up, I have been involved in University representation, and became an Open Leader and Tech Speaker for Mozilla.
When I found this position within the Digital Transformation Team, I was excited that someone in the Government was finally assigning to collaborative development the importance it deserves. Imagine a country where all technicians are able to make a small part of their time available to improve the problems of the community they live in. A country where together we can design and build the new infrastructure of our society. Working as a group, with the same willfulness which turns hundreds of thousands of people into editors who contribute daily to enriching a shared knowledge base like Wikipedia. I am honored to be able to participate in the country’s digital transformation.
In my free time I love to strum the ukulele, I play in an amateur theater company, I also love photography and painting. I am a foodie, passionate about distillates and just about any food produced with love and art. As my supervisor reminds me weekly, at the end of this adventure I will obtain my Master Degree in Physics, for which my thesis is the only missing bit.
Start Date: October 4, 2017
End Date: September 15, 2018
Period Provided: until September 16, 2018
Annual Compensation: € 80,000
Approved by the Court of Auditors: November 3, 2017